The Sanders' Wedding at Crockwell Farm

Luke and Steph’s Wedding at Crockwell Farm was absolutely stunning, with a clear focus of sharing their love with their closest friends and family.

As a textile designer, Steph really had the details down to a tee, with stunning bridal party gifts and unique touches around the farm on the day.

Luke and Steph’s son and daughter, Harry and Grace, and their cousins, were a great help throughout the day, helping with light stands and even taking some pro-photographs of their own! I became very experienced with the quote “take your finger off the shutter now!”, and later found over 30 photo’s of the same scene :-)

Mr and Mrs Sanders, your wedding was just stunning and you clearly have an incredible bond. I wish you all of the happiness in the world for your continued adventures together.

Venue: Crockwell Farm Weddings